
3D Hot Air Balloon

  Description: We learned about scale and made 3D hot air balloons.  We used strips of construction paper and taped them to a paper plate to form the balloon.  We then glued cotton balls to the paper to form clouds and drew a basket and landscape for the balloon to have taken off from. Extension Activity: Students will learn about the different types of clouds, what they look like, and their altitudes.  When making the project, students will use their cotton balls to form different types of clouds.

Yarn Weaving

  Description: We learned about weaving and the meaning of different colors and shapes in weaving.  We then each chose three colors and wrote what they represent for us.  I chose orange for the sunset, green for nature, and blue for calmness.  We then used these colors to make a yarn weaving. Extension Activity: Students will use rulers to measure the length of their weaving and record their measurement.  Students will then compare measurements to determine who had the longest weaving.

Coil Pot

  Description: We made clay coil pots.  Our pots had a circular slab of clay for the bottom.  Our pots also had to have at least five coils for the sides of the pot.  We used slip and scoring to secure the coils to each other.  We also had to give our pots a texture or paint our pots. Extension Activity: Students will learn about how plants grow.  While learning this students will have the opportunity to use their pot to plant seeds and observe their growth.

Gelli Plate Printmaking

 Description: We did a printmaking activity and used our prints to make a printmaking quilt.  We had to use at least 4 colors and at least 5 different stencils or stamps.  We had to have at least 16 shapes on our finished project. Extension Activity: Students will use different shapes not just squares or rectangles to tessellate, or cover without gaps or overlapping, the  paper they are gluing their shapes on.

Paper Mola

  Description: We learned about the Kuna tribe and made paper molas.  We each chose an animal to put on our mola. The animal was constructed out of complimentary colors.  We then chose three colors to put on our background of our mola and glued them in a pattern.  The animal was then glued on top of the background. Extension Activity:  For younger grades, students will learn to identify and continue patterns involving color and shape.

Dot Painting

  Description: We learned about Georges Seurat and pointillism. We then mixed paint to make different values of color to make a flower.  Once the flower was painted, we created the background with our choice of paint, colored pencils, markers, or crayons. Extension Activity: Students will create a rectangle or square frame over their flower only using four note cards or pieces of paper.  Students will then count the number of dots on the length and width of the frame.  They will use these numbers to multiply to find an estimate of the number of dots used to create their flower.

Bubble Letter Mural

  Description: We created a bubble letter mural using our initials.  On our mural, we had to have at least 5 different lines or patterns, 5 different colors, and use at least 3 different mediums.  The patterns we used had to be something that described us.  I used stars to represent the night sky, books because I like to read, and paw prints because I like cats. Extension Activity: Students will write an "All About Me" that tells people about them.  In their "All About Me", they will have to include the information about themselves that inspired their patterns in their mural.